National Consultative Workshop Kicks Off in Cairo to Develop Gender-Inclusive Strategy for Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation in Egypt

The National Consultative Workshop to Develop an All-Inclusive and Deliberate Strategy for Mainstreaming Gender in Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation and Environmental Management in Egypt commenced today in Cairo. Organized by AU-IBAR in collaboration with Egypt’s Lakes and Fisheries Resources Protection and Development Agency (LFRPDA), the three-day workshop will run from 26th to 28th November 2024.

This workshop is part of AU-IBAR’s flagship project, Conserving Aquatic Biodiversity and Ecosystems in the Context of the Africa Blue Economy Project, implemented with the support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). One of the Projects key components underscores a shared commitment to promoting gender inclusivity in aquatic biodiversity conservation and environmental management across Africa.

Background and Rationale
Aquatic ecosystems in Egypt play a crucial role in sustaining food security, livelihoods, and economic development, with fisheries and aquaculture serving as vital contributors to the nation’s economy. However, these ecosystems face growing challenges, including environmental degradation, pollution, and overexploitation. While women contribute significantly to biodiversity conservation, their roles are often underrepresented in policy and practice.

Recognizing this gap, AU-IBAR launched a continental strategy in 2022 to mainstream gender in aquatic biodiversity and environmental management. Egypt was selected as one of the African Union Member States (AU-MS) to receive targeted technical support to develop a national strategy addressing gender-specific challenges in this sector.

Workshop Objectives
The consultative workshop aims to achieve the following:
1. Increase awareness among stakeholders about AU-IBAR’s continental strategy on gender mainstreaming in aquatic biodiversity conservation.
2. Identify national priorities and actions for an inclusive approach to gender mainstreaming in aquatic biodiversity and environmental management.
3. Develop mechanisms to ensure gender inclusivity in policies and practices.
4. Draft a comprehensive national strategy to integrate gender perspectives into Egypt’s aquatic biodiversity conservation efforts.

Workshop Methodology
The workshop will combine technical presentations, focus group discussions, and plenary sessions to foster active participation among stakeholders. Presentations will include AU-IBAR’s key frameworks, such as the Policy Framework and Reform Strategy for Fisheries and Aquaculture (PFRS), the African Blue Economy Strategy (ABES), and findings from the 2022 continental study on gender mainstreaming.

A national consultant, with expertise in aquatic biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management, will review Egypt’s existing policies on gender, aquatic biodiversity, and environmental management. The consultant’s findings will guide discussions, enabling participants to identify priority areas and draft an actionable national strategy.

Expected Outcomes
By the conclusion of the workshop, participants are expected to:
1. Gain a deeper understanding of AU-IBAR’s continental gender mainstreaming strategy.
2. Identify critical issues and actions for integrating gender into aquatic biodiversity conservation in Egypt.
3. Propose mechanisms for addressing gender-specific challenges in the sector.
4. Finalize a national strategy for gender mainstreaming in aquatic biodiversity conservation and environmental management.


The workshop brings together stakeholders from various ministries, departments, and agencies, including those responsible for fisheries, aquaculture, gender, environment, and climate change. Representatives from academic institutions, civil society organizations, and the private sector are also in attendance, ensuring a comprehensive and inclusive approach to the strategy’s development.

Strengthening Gender Inclusivity in Aquatic Ecosystems
As the Arab Republic of Egypt takes decisive steps toward sustainable management of its aquatic resources, this workshop marks a significant milestone in integrating gender perspectives into national policies and practices. It also aligns with continental initiatives such as the African Union’s Blue Economy Strategy, which underscores the importance of inclusive and sustainable development.

The outcomes of this workshop will not only benefit Egypt but also serve as a model for other AU Member States striving to enhance gender inclusivity in aquatic biodiversity conservation and environmental management.

Source : AU-IBAR